Collection: Gill Nono

Gill Nono, a Manchester-born artist and pattern maker, has made marks for decades. Her approach has always been characterised by a bold, brave, intuitive use of colours, achieving such joy and drama in her patterns.
For over 20 years, these signature patterns and layered techniques were applied to and championed in the soft furnishing and wallpaper industries, selling worldwide.
A year ago, after 15 years of not making marks, Gill decided to pick up her paintbrush again.
Whilst she re-discovered her love for creating patterns, her family also temporarily lost their living room to a re-born artist. Luckily for her family, Gill has recently taken up a studio in Altrincham.
Now, her patterns of the past are taking on new life and form, with no limits, as she gains courage to do what she always did best - Make marks.
Gill's works are also displayed on her Instagram channel @gillnono