
In order to assist our clients to promote and sell their work, we offer some additional services, where required:


Pieces displayed only online may be sent to / left with Gordon and the team at the Gallery in order to facilitate a physical viewing. This can be useful when the potential buyer in physically closer to the gallery than to the artists' location, also if the artist does not wish to be visited at home by buyers. Please ask for more information.


For items on display at the Gallery, the admin team can provide a quotation for professional packaging and shipping of your piece(s), if required. For items only promoted via the website, the Artist is responsible for arranging packaging and shipping. 


For pieces displayed via the Online Gallery at it is important that the images showing your work are of a sufficiently high standard to do your art justice. We therefore recommend that, when choosing pieces to submit, you ensure the images provided are clear and sharp, that the colour match is as close as you can achieve and that the resolution is high enough to be seen clearly when viewed on a screen. We ideally recommend images be supplied in .jpg, .png or .pdf format and of a minimum size of 800 pixels on the shortest side if possible. If you are unsure, send us your image when requested and our media team will be happy to advise.